Some Notes on Methodology

My idea of justice is that it is a completely man-made concept, just as the concept of truth. This means that we live in an inherently unjust world, which we can (with more or less success) make more or less just, depending on our volition; however, no one can guarantee that our justice will be compatible with the laws of the world we live in.

We live in the world that is limiting the scope of our a priori knowledge. This, the concepts of both action and praxis are playing a very major role in how we think about the world.

This necessitates the consequentialist view on liberty, because moral absolutism is much more inertious and prone to throwing the good money after the bad, especially in the extremely volatile situations so frequent during the recent times.

So, while formulating the ideas of social theory, it is very important frame one's thinking in proper and precise terms. For my social theory to be consistent, I need to build it in a systemic fashion:

flowchart LR id01["Metaphysics"] --> id02["Philosophy"] id02 --> id03["Social Theory"]

This quite wide scope of enquiry is not an attempt at implementing a generalist approach. This is just a thorough approach to specialisation, which aims at resolving the several very important inconsistencies that plague the modern Humanities.

1. There should be a full glossary for the concepts and terms being in use, verifiable by means of content analysis and logical calculus;
2. All reasoning must be structured in a way that allows for complete linguistic explication;
3. A sub-set of the English language must be developed so that the descriptions of the factual data, as well as the theories present, may become easily analysable by (yet, we will need to use a definite and personalised styles for expressing the ideas and findings to the general audience);
4. The mathematical methods should be applied in a more deliberate fashion and framed more accurately that it is usually done in the modern Social science.

flowchart LR id00[(Terms DB)] id01[(Sub-Language DB)] id02[(Resulting Research)] id03[(Maths Methods)] id04[[Actual Thinking]] id00 --> id01 id01 --> id02 id03 --> id02 id04 <--> id00 id04 <--> id01 id04 <--> id03

This methodological skeleton requires further theoretical development and formal structuration. This way the polyphony of the sociological thought may be utilised in the most effective way for understanding the happenings of the human interaction.

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